Thursday 9 December 2010

Skin lesions healed LLLT

Here is a very interesting case from Chiropractor and laser practitioner Dr Tom Scott.

A patient of his presented with chronic skin lesions believed to be a result of a lifetime’s over exposure to the sun. He had been receiving treatment for a month using Alderma with little effect.

With five treatments of low level laser over a two week period the results are astounding. See for yourself.

Visit 1. 22/11/2010
Pre treatment wound weeping and surrounding areas inflamed and painful.

Visit 2. 24/11/2010
Redness and inflammation reducing open lesions showing signs of healing and scab formation decrease in pain.

Visit 3. 29/11/2010
Noticeable decrease in redness and inflammation lesions are showing considerable healing; no sign of weeping and scab formation progressing. No pain in area.

Visit 4. 01/12/2010
Minimal reddening lesions dry and disappearing. Open wound above left eye due to knocking forehead on boot lid.

Visit 5. 06/12/2010
All redness gone, lesions completely healed. No pain or discomfort. Patient recommend follow up visit in 1 week to make sure complete healing has occurred. This will then be monitored over the following months to determine risk of relapse.